Huge Update: Praise Jesus, my heart is rejoicing!

To Date Total ($855 + this week $355)= $1210 raised!!!!
Do you know what that means?!
One woman in Haiti IS going to have a clean and safe delivery!!!
Not only that but she will get to learn about the love of Jesus and learn life skills!

This money is going to be put to great use for Heartline Ministries! Please keep donating and support Laura and I in prayer as we run our FIRST half-marathon in honor of HAITI!!!

I feel like this week is slipping through my fingers already, thus I need to make my plans now! I have my running schedule set, now I am getting my cleaning and meal schedule set!
This week and next are going to be some fend for yourself meals....spring break starts this Thursday, and I wasn't able to get a shift covered so the kids are going on vacation with my parents and then Chip and I are working! Yeah, praying for some extra money!!
Here are this weeks meals:
Last night I worked so the kids and Chip had pizza.
Tuesday: Hamburgers and Hot dogs on the grill
Wednesday: Dinner with mom and dad! Applebee's
Thursday: Chicken with veggies
Friday: I work 16 hours- I will have a lasagna dish for Chip to throw in the oven!
Saturday: I work 12 hours- Shredded Chicken in the crock pot for Chicken Tacos

Sunday: Pork steak, green beans, stuffing

Here is my mantra for my ten mile run this week:
Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.