What did I get: 2-4 packs of Caress, Kotex, 2-Soft Scrub w/bleach, Spray-n-Wash with resolve power, Lysol Bathroom cleaner, Pledge, Pert Plus, High Endurance Body Wash, Loreal Vive Pro Shampoo, Complete Multi Purpose Concact Solution, Colgate Toothpaste, Electrasol, 2-AirWick candles, Renuzit Pearl Scents, Schick Quattro razor blades, 2 packs of tic-tac, Aquafresh toothbrush, Lady Speed Stick 24/7 deodordant, Zantac 75 (30 Tablets), Children's Claritin.
How much did I pay?!-$6.41
I also transferred a prescription and got a $30 gift card to Rite Aid. My first time ever trying this. But it was great to get some extra things that I didn't have to pay for! Also not pictured is Toilet Paper, but I was able to get that with this too!